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Meet the hosts of our podcast.

Kyle Gray

Kyle Gray

Kyle currently serves as the Camp Director for Word of Life camps in Florida. He is married to Nicola and they have 4 children. Kyle is a graduate of the Word of Life Bible Institute and Tennessee Temple University.

"I was raised in a pastor's home so I heard the Gospel from a very young age. I remember being in the car with my dad and asking him how could I have Jesus in my heart like my older brother. That day he walked me back through the beautiful truth of how Christ died in my place to pay for my sins. And that He rose again to prove He had defeated death and the grave. He told me that by grace through faith I could have a personal relationship with Christ.

For far too long we have lived in the shadows, in the quiet. We have allowed popular opinion to silence us. No more. I believe that my God-given purpose in this life is to ignite passionate excellence in others. I want to help people to develop a deeper, closer, more vibrant walk with Jesus Christ. I believe it is my call to come alongside students, adults, ministry leaders, and volunteers and light a fire. My question is where are the Daniels? Where are the Pauls? Where are the people who like Peter will stand up and speak up? We need a Revolution of the Gospel in our churches and lives. We need a resurgence of the boldness to reach the world around us with the grace, the love, the freedom that the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Josh Paulhamus

Josh serves with Word of Life in the International Ministries department creating and developing resources as the Media Coordinator.

He and his wife, Melanie, both serve with Word of Life. They also serve in their local church with their youth group, developing relationships there to reach their community.

"My greatest desire is to make the greatest content for the greatest purpose. I believe that God has given me my love for creating content and resources through media to equip others in ministry and service. Although I believe media and content are great ways to teach and share the Gospel, I believe that relationships are how we reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I genuinely hope and pray that this podcast is one more way that we in youth ministry can build a community and resource to reach the world for God."
