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Stacking Chairs

A Youth Ministry Podcast with Kyle Gray and Josh Paulhamus

Welcome to Stacking Chairs: A Youth Ministry Podcast all about serving in Youth Ministry. Whether it be youth group or youth camp, whatever God has you serving in, that’s what we’re here talking about. Join us, Josh and Kyle, as we talk through some of the burning, practical questions facing those in youth ministry. We don’t have it all figured out, but let’s learn and explore this side of ministry together! Join our community of those serving in youth ministry @stackingchairspod through Instagram and Facebook. A Word of Life podcast.

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Image for Ep. 73 Mental Health and the Church

Ep. 73 Mental Health and the Church

10/31/2023 03:10

Krissie speaks with us about mental health and how it's seen in the church. Do we talk about it enough or too much? Find all things Stacking Chairs here Mentioned Resources:

Image for Ep. 72 The Other 99

Ep. 72 The Other 99

10/24/2023 03:10

Care Connection Perspective

We all focus and identify with the "one" in the parable of the lost sheep, but what about the care of the other 99? Find all things Stacking Chairs at

Image for Ep. 71 The “Ideal” Student

Ep. 71 The “Ideal” Student

10/11/2023 02:10

There's no such thing as the perfect student; but what are we doing to train up the next generation? Find all things Stacking Chairs at Mentioned Resources:

Image for Ep. 70 The “Ideal” Leader

Ep. 70 The “Ideal” Leader

10/11/2023 01:10

Connection Discipleship Generational Leadership Teaching Troubleshooting

Hypothetically, what does the ideal leader look like in your youth ministry? We talk about building a list and how to be intentional in working with others! Mentioned Resources: Find all things Stacking Chairs at

Image for Ep. 69 The Responsibility of Sharing the Gospel

Ep. 69 The Responsibility of Sharing the Gospel

10/3/2023 04:10

Jack Wyrtzen, Word of Life's founder, believed that each generation is responsible for reaching their generation with the Gospel. How are you equipping others and yourself with that mission? Find all things Stacking Chairs at

Image for Ep. 68 The Key to Kick-Offs

Ep. 68 The Key to Kick-Offs

9/26/2023 04:09


It's fall and it's time for kick-offs! What does the start of a new school year look like for your ministry? Find all things Stacking Chairs at Mentioned Resources:

Image for Ep. 67 Helping Students with Peer Pressure

Ep. 67 Helping Students with Peer Pressure

9/5/2023 03:09

Anxiety Connection Discipleship Generational Leadership Perspective Practical

Peer pressure is common for all of us, but how do we equip the students in our ministries and our homes to deal with that pressure? Find all things Stacking Chairs at

Image for Ep. 66 A Worthwhile Foundation

Ep. 66 A Worthwhile Foundation

8/29/2023 11:08

Discipleship Generational Perspective Practical

Brian Tanedo shares with us how foundational an undergraduate program like the Word of Life Bible Institute can be! Join us on campus and learn more at Find all things Stacking Chairs at

Image for Ep. 65 Starting a Pastoral Role

Ep. 65 Starting a Pastoral Role

8/22/2023 04:08

Discipleship Leadership Perspective

What's it like starting a new job, especially when that new job is in the role of a pastor? Find all things Stacking Chairs here: Join us for the Portion Conference:

Image for Ep. 64 A Look Back on Summer Camp

Ep. 64 A Look Back on Summer Camp

8/22/2023 04:08

Summer camp is over at Word of Life in Florida, and we have James on the Podcast talking about how he thought that camp went this summer. Find all things Stacking Chairs at